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Update Log
Update Log
  • 07/02/24: Did away with the "guestbook" after 6 months of it literally never having been signed 🤔 in it's place the classic chatbox is back.

  • 05/28/24: Changes to the homepage, including the addition of the Mini Zine.

  • 05/07/24: Had to swap the guestbook because 123guestbook is shutting down. Someone sign it this time

  • 04/28/24: New Links page is finally up and running!

  • 04/26/24: About Me page completely redone. The Music page has been unlisted for refactoring.

  • 01/11/24: Added a shameless self-plug "ad" at the top of the homepage, as well as some minor cosmetic changes.

  • 12/24/23: Revamped the homepage, and swapped the chatbox for a guestbook page.

  • 09/20/23: Added the Acing The Internet webring. An actual major update is on the way

  • 09/09/23: Revamped the music page

  • 08/30/23: Added an imood, and made some minor changes not worth mentioning

  • 08/24/23: Sitemap is live. New posts for the blog and music page

  • 08/06/23: Splash page is down for refactoring

  • 07/30/23: New shrine is live! Also the first review on the music page has dropped, and I finally made a

  • 07/19/23: Overhauled the Blog page

  • 07/11/23: Music page is live. Created button.js.

  • 06/27/23: Added a proper navbar to the homepage, finished the shrine index along with adding a new shrine, and officially added the likes section of the About Me page.

  • 06/21/23: Blog post, joined the self insert webring

  • 06/14/23: Worked more on the About Me page

  • 06/13/23: Worked on the About Me page, tied up some loose ends in terms of responsiveness, and changed the homepage a tiny bit.

  • 06/04/23: Art page, and a shrine, are now live. Added something really useful to the homepage 🤪

  • 06/02/23: Added a landing page. Also made the Contact Me section on this page more interesting, and added a new blog post.

  • 05/25/23: New graphics page is live

  • 05/21/23: Blog is now live. CSS corrections on homepage. Custom 404 page added.

  • 05/20/23: Expanded the homepage. Asdded sections for webrings, contact me, and a poll; added a better background; did a little bit of fun stuff; and also rearranged a bit.

    The links in the credits section have been integrated into the links page, along with adding some new links.

  • 05/17/23: Layout change on about me page

  • 05/09/23: Small updates on homepage, including adding a favicon, some more stamps, and minor error fixes

  • 05/09/23: Links page is live. Fun additions to homepage.

  • 03/25/23: About Me page is live, as well as trivial changes to the homepage

  • 03/23/23: Homepage is live. Also added a chatbox

This version of the website is NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED. Click here for the updated version.

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Status The current mood of yungwake0 at
bert and ernie reef blower this stamp is too funny to load for YOU! rick and morty hey man where the fuck is mario judah. this stamp is on fire I love old web lsd MRBEAAAASST hell ngl how do I even do accurate alt text for this one weegee! autism nerd emoji you have no fucking idea what you're up against pc > phone I see you sinning everything is terrible bitch please hatsune miku my first of many wives no racism be yourself doesn't mean label yourself heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over you are not immune to propaganda when I said 'I'd hit that' I meant with my car I support Pip Pirrup don't upset me! I'm running out of places to hide the bodies FUCK YOU!!!!! (me @ scarlxrd nonenjoyers) I support...umm...ME I support fatasses scarlxrd dxxm dxxm ii deadrising psychx made in hell anti internet
Mini Zine

I fucking LOVE WINDOWS!!!


I LOVE when Microsoft puts literal keyloggers on my computer, I LOVE when my computer tells me what I can or can't do on it, I LOVE bloatware and did I mention how much I FUCKING LOVE MICROSOFT TRACKING EVERYTHING I DO?

The main reason I haven't switched to Linux is because of the shitshow of setting up all my music-related stuff. Sure, there's LMMS, or Bitwig, but I like my FL Studio and Ableton goddamn it!

(Well I do enjoy Bitwig; I just didn't remember it existed until I started writing this. I'm gonna try it later after this goes live)

I have a Debian virtual machine where I've been doing some weird shit to try and make FL work; everything runs just fine, but the latency is absolutely horrendous and makes it impossible to actually produce anything. And this is just stock FL, I'm yet to even try running any VST plugins, or Ableton.

The only other hiccup I see myself running into is the lack of, even with Wine, but I think I can just replace that with Pinta, or force myself to adapt to one of the various other Linux-native image editors instead. The rest of my workflow should go over smoothly, as the few games I play work fine, and I already use kdenlive as my video editor which is Linux native.

Once I figure out my production setup and get some more hard drive space (cause I'm running off a full 256gb, with a 1tb external drive that's also full) I'll gladly set up a permanent dual boot in a heartbeat; I want to dual boot because I share my computer with a family member who needs Windows, otherwise I'd just go scorched Earth on the entire thing and do away with these corporations entirely (wherever possible). But until then... don't you just loooove Windows??

Which hot sauce is best? free polls
The right answer is Tabasco 👍
Link To Me
Yung Wake button

Neocities doesn't like hotlinking, so I would prefer if you saved my button to your website locally and changed the "src=" attribute to your new path.
