links that I particularly like will be kept up here in the spotlight.

Unfortunately the link that used to sit here has gone down. I'll figure out what to do about this later.


zimmer twins Go To

free website hosting. if you're here you probably know what this is. inspired by geocities, a similar service from back in the day. lots of old web content is hosted here

Musical Scale Finder

scale finder Go To

self explanatory. enter the notes you're using and it'll show you every scale they fit into. if you make any kind of music this is extremely useful


neocities pages/sites I like. keep in mind I haven't met most of these people personally

Deb's Place


mr mackey Drugs are bad mmkay?


I am not condoning or glorifying the illegal use of psychoactive substances in any form, this content is presented purely from an educational standpoint. I do not allow any use of my website in any way to source drugs or anything even close, the same should be assumed for the websites I link here

research chemicals are novel substances with little to no history of human use, there is no scientific data on most of them. do your own research before even thinking about a research chemical, much less consuming one.
