links that I particularly like will be kept up here in the spotlight.
Unfortunately the link that used to sit here has gone down. I'll figure out what to do about this later.

free website hosting. if you're here you probably know what this is. inspired by geocities, a similar service from back in the day. lots of old web content is hosted here
Musical Scale Finder

self explanatory. enter the notes you're using and it'll show you every scale they fit into. if you make any kind of music this is extremely useful
some cool graphics. most are meant for old web-esque stuff but you can use them for anything really
GifCities - a directory of old web-esque gifs
Sadgrl Tiled Backgrounds - tiled backgrounds for your website
Cinnabar Rain Pride Buttons - pride flags in the form of 88x31 and 80x15 buttons
Window Creator - creates custom error messages. not too dissimilar to the one on atom smasher, which recently went offline. has windows themes, as well as one for ubuntu and one for mac 9; the latter of which is also used on my homepage
links/resources that may assist in the creation of media
links/resources that may assist in the creation of websites
W3Schools - programming tutorials. everything you need for web dev, and more
XP.css - a CSS library themed after Windows XP. my homepage uses this style. there's also one for Windows 98
Color Picker - useful color picker for HTML
How BIG Is My Browser? - self explanatory. this can actually be useful
cbox.ws - a chatbox for your website, this is what I use. there is a paid plan but I just have the free one
catbox.me - free file hosting, best suited for files not supported by neocities
stuff that you can play
Toontown Corporate Clash - a fanmade revival of Disney's Toontown Online. a myriad of new content is added to keep the game fresh. Toontown Rewritten also exists for a more nostalgic 1-on-1 replication of the original
Your World of Text - infinite blank page anyone can write on
Incredibots 2 HTML Port - physics simulation flash game incredibots 2 ported to html, a bit obscure but I grew up with it
Drugs are bad mmkay?
Psychonaut Wiki - basically wikipedia for drugs, all the mainstream ones you can think of and more will be here
Erowid - lots of content on drug/harm reduction/some other stuff, I like the experience vaults
Bluelight - a forum about drugs and harm reduction, should be self-explanatory
r/researchchemicals - research chemicals subreddit. no sourcing
I am not condoning or glorifying the illegal use of psychoactive substances in any form, this content is presented purely from an educational standpoint. I do not allow any use of my website in any way to source drugs or anything even close, the same should be assumed for the websites I link here
research chemicals are novel substances with little to no history of human use, there is no scientific data on most of them. do your own research before even thinking about a research chemical, much less consuming one.