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Yung Wake

If you're reading this, congratuations on discovering the best website on the Internet! I go by many names, the most recent being Yung Wake. I'm a beatmaker and an aspiring musician; since 2020 I've been making beats under the Goobsguy moniker, and I also plan on releasing stuff as Yung Wake soon. I also dabble in art and development, web dev in particular (hence this site).

The beautiful thing about a personal website is that you can put literally whatever you want on it. This one isn't too off-the-wall compared to other ones; here you'll find info about me and my interests, some of my content/projects, and of course all the miscellanous ramblings that I don't know what else to do with.

Check out the navbar above to start exploring!

Contact Me

If things aren't looking right, hit Ctrl+F5 or clear your cache

bert and ernie reef blower rick and morty this stamp is on fire I love old web lsd MRBEAAAASST hell ngl how do I even do accurate alt text for this one autism nerd emoji you have no fucking idea what you're up against pc > phone everything is terrible bitch please no racism be yourself doesn't mean label yourself you are not immune to propaganda when I said 'I'd hit that' I meant with my car I support Pip Pirrup
Why I Have A Website
Why I have a website
  • "None of the social media websites really did it for me when it comes to customization. lots of ideas that I simply can't get across properly with just words and a changeable banner."
  • ~Me, 2023

Since I was a kid, the Internet, and the act of creating things on it, have been sort of a hyperfixation of mine, for better or for worse. Being a 2003 baby I experienced a healthy mix between the modern Internet and the cool old web stuff. I liked the old web better, the creativity and individuality of it all was nothing short of magical in my young mind.

Of course, as I got older, everything shifted to toxic mainstream "social media" websites, which seem to get worse the longer they exist. Eventually I discovered Neocities, and the Web 1.0 revival in general, which if you're on this website is probably something you're at least heard of. If you ask me this kind of stuff is exactly what the Internet was made for; it brings me back to my youth, and the good old days when the Internet was actually fun.

Basically, this site is one of the only places where I can comfortably and truly express myself without being dragged into some negative bullshit like what social media seems to be built upon.

It also helps me to refine/practice my development skills, so that's a major bonus.

Other Pages
Pages of Interest
Which hot sauce is best?
pollcode.com free polls
The right answer is Tabasco 👍
Useful Button
Other Cool Stuff
Update Log
  • 07/30/23: New shrine is live! Also the first review on the music page has dropped, and I finally made a status.cafe

  • 07/19/23: Overhauled the Blog page

  • 07/11/23: Music page is live. Created button.js.

  • 06/27/23: Added a proper navbar to the homepage, finished the shrine index along with adding a new shrine, and officially added the likes section of the About Me page.

  • 06/21/23: Blog post, joined the self insert webring

  • 06/14/23: Worked more on the About Me page

  • 06/13/23: Worked on the About Me page, tied up some loose ends in terms of responsiveness, and changed the homepage a tiny bit.

  • 06/04/23: Art page, and a shrine, are now live. Added something really useful to the homepage 🤪

  • 06/02/23: Added a landing page. Also made the Contact Me section on this page more interesting, and added a new blog post.

  • 05/25/23: New graphics page is live

  • 05/21/23: Blog is now live. CSS corrections on homepage. Custom 404 page added.

  • 05/20/23: Expanded the homepage. Asdded sections for webrings, contact me, and a poll; added a better background; did a little bit of fun stuff; and also rearranged a bit.

    The links in the credits section have been integrated into the links page, along with adding some new links.

  • 05/17/23: Layout change on about me page

  • 05/09/23: Small updates on homepage, including adding a favicon, some more stamps, and minor error fixes

  • 05/09/23: Links page is live. Fun additions to homepage.

  • 03/25/23: About Me page is live, as well as trivial changes to the homepage

  • 03/23/23: Homepage is live. Also added a chatbox

Link To Me
Yung Wake button