
This website is intended for monitors 500px and wider. Everything should still work fine, but you may see visual glitches here and there.


The current mood of yungwake0 at
My Music
Contact Me
yfuck you email harvesters!ufuck you email harvesters!nfuck you email harvesters!gfuck you email harvesters!wfuck you email harvesters!akfuck you email harvesters!efuck you email harvesters!0fuck you email harvesters!@fuck you email harvesters!gfuck you email harvesters!mfuck you email harvesters!afuck you email harvesters!ifuck you email harvesters!lfuck you email harvesters!.fuck you email harvesters!cfuck you email harvesters!ofuck you email harvesters!m
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Mini Zine

Website Revamp


If you're reading this right now, you've probably noticed how different things look around here; this is because I've decided to remake most of the website from the ground up.

Why are you doing this?

I'm not changing the website for any particular reason, I just feel my overall vibe has shifted a lot since I made this website, and I can't reflect that as well through the old site anymore.

What will happen to the old site?

You can access an archive of it through the sitemap. I've never believed in destroying art, and my ideology isn't much different here.

What will be on the new site?

The content itself won't be too different, this is more of a digital deep cleaning operation than anything else. It'll make it so when I do implement new pages (which I have been circulating ideas for) it'll come easier and not be as much of a hassle for me.

I'm also trying to make all the writings (blog, shrines, etc) accessible from one or two pages, as I've always felt the way my writings are organized leaves something to be desired.

What about music?

Soon. Be patient.

How will this impact the legacy of [x]?

[x] is probably a fan of mine, and probably reads this website. This update will boost [x]'s morale, positively affecting their career.

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