“Overall, if these two singles are a good indicator, this album will be at least a 9/10, and definitely an AOTY contender.”
My prediction was spot on this time! Made in Hell is indeed a 9/10, and may very well land Scar his third AOTY in a row (in my opinion). There were some things I weren't expecting though; Scarlxrd is getting better at keeping things fresh, and this album is an example of that.
The RnB switchups were a curveball I didn't see coming based on the lead singles, but it grew on me once I got used to it. In general, the song structures are really interesting for a Scarlxrd album, and I feel it gives more room for him to do his thing.
Track by Track Comments
- Black Rxses - Great intro, should have been a lead single
- wxrst me. - The end is insane
- Indecisixn. - I find the switches a bit too sudden on this one
- 777-777-777. - DeadRising ahh chorus (I mean that in a good way though) out of all the RnB parts this one is my favorite.
- Atxmic-Bxmb. - Perfect first single
- Feel Wxrthless? - This song could have been called “TELL ME YXU LXVE ME 2” and it would have worked; that doesn't change the fact that this is one of the best off this album.
- SCARGXD. - Not the best on this album., but still a great Scar song. The tempo slowly decreasing does go insane.
- Shadxws. - This is probably my favorite use of autotune in a Scar song ever (with the exceptiion of Dxminxs, which was just an autotune song so I don't count it). Also LXRDMAGE 2 😳
- HADES. - Great song. However, and I feel this is really nitpicky, but it doesn't feel like an outro. The last 3 albums had final tracks have actually felt like they were made specifically to be the outro (“LIKE YXU WXULD KNXW,” "IsThisReal?,” and “StillHere” which actually was made specifically to be the outro 😁)
Favorite track: Shadxws.
“Least” favorite track: Indecisixn.