Why My Name is Yung Wake

June 2, 2023

To be honest, "Wake" doesn't really mean much; I chose this name because it doesn't stick out too much but it's also unique to me while also not sounding overtly edgy.

My previous name was "Goobsguy," which while it's also somewhat unique, it's also really goofy sounding. "Goobsguy" is/was a shortening of the first real online persona I had, "Googlebrains," which was a failed Toontown channel I made when I was 12. (The videos are long privated, shit was ass)

Think of it this way: if you saw two artists called "Goobsguy" and "Yung Wake" without knowing me, which one would you assume is a better artist?

I'm probably overthinking this when I read it back, but 🤷‍♂️