The First Post

May 21, 2023

the first post

This is the first post on the Yung Wake blog. I've never really had a blog before, so bare with me as I figure this out.

Generally speaking, I'm planning to use this as a platform for all my random thoughts that I feel don't fit anywhere else. That may take the form of walls of text, rants, photos, memes, tier lists, and probably more.

I really wanted a blog growing up, but my parents were (rightfully so) scared of the Internet so I was never allowed one. In hindsight I'm glad they didn't, because whenever I go back and look at some of the old "content" I made as a child I just cringe and think to myself "I actually made this shit? 💀💀💀" probably wouldn't enjoy having even more of that out there 😬

I think this is a relatively normal phenomemon for content creators, especially in the Internet era where almost everything you've done can be found with a bit of searching at most. It doesn't bother me like it used to though; now that I've grown up a bit it's hard to be bothered by stuff I did as a literal child. Some of the really early stuff I can even just laugh at nowadays!

I've kind of veered off topic here. but to be fair, "the first blog post" doesn't provide much of a topic to stay on anyways. I hope you enjoyed reading my bullshit; stay tuned for more soon!